Post Tagged with: "Open Access"

  • New pilot open access agreement between the University of California and Wiley

    We’re delighted to announce that as of March 15, corresponding authors at all ten UC campuses and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) who publish open access articles in Wiley journals will receive a 15 percent discount on the open access fee (also known as an article processing charge, or APC) as part of a new pilot agreement UC has negotiated with the publisher.  In addition, the pilot will make open access the default option for articles published in Wiley journals by authors at five UC campuses — Irvine, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz — and the UC […]

  • Glossa Psycholinguistics Publishes First Articles!

    The eScholarship Publishing program at the University of California is delighted to announce the publication of the first articles of Glossa Psycholinguistics (GP), a Fair Open Access journal for psycholinguistic research. In their inaugural editorial, the journal’s editors-in-chief Fernanda Ferreira and Brian Dillon describe Glossa Psycholinguistics as “a venue in which research on understanding the psychological and neurological basis of language takes central priority, but which explicitly invites work that bridges many of the various research traditions and paradigms that constitute psycholinguistics, broadly construed. Our hope is that the articles published in GP will explore the human capacity for language […]

  • New open access agreement between the University of California and The Biochemical Society / Portland Press

    We’re delighted to announce that as of February 22, UC authors will be able to begin making research they publish in the Biochemical Society / Portland Press journals freely available for anyone to read by taking advantage of the university’s new transformative open access agreement with the publisher. The agreement also expands reading access to the full portfolio of Biochemical Society / Portland Press journals to researchers at all ten UC campuses. This new cost-neutral transformative agreement – which runs from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024 – covers open access publishing in the Biochemical Society / Portland Press’s […]

  • Combinatorial Theory Publishes First Issue!

    The eScholarship Publishing program at the University of California is delighted to announce the publication of the first issue of Combinatorial Theory, a new open access journal focused on mathematical research in Combinatorics, with applications throughout the mathematical, computational and natural sciences. As described by its editors, Combinatorial Theory is “owned by mathematicians, dedicated to Diamond Open Access publishing with no fees for authors or readers, and committed to an inclusive view of the vibrant worldwide community in Combinatorics.” Combinatorial Theory was founded in September 2020, when most of the editorial board for one of the oldest and most prestigious […]

  • UC campuses celebrate Open Access Week 2021

    International Open Access Week is an annual global event celebrating and sharing knowledge about free online access to scholarly publications. This year’s Open Access Week is October 25-31. The theme, “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity,” was chosen to be in alignment with the recently released UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science.  The University of California Libraries have planned a variety of workshops and materials to observe International Open Access Week, all of which are free and online. All times are in Pacific, and most events are online and open to all; see event descriptions for details and […]

  • Adapt and Advance: Global community leaders highlight opportunities to drive openness and equity in scholarly publishing at the 15th Berlin Open Access Conference

    Nearly 400 participants, representing hundreds of institutions and consortia from around the world, came together for the 15th Berlin Open Access Conference (B15) to discuss the ongoing transition of the scholarly publishing system to open access. Co-hosted by the University of California and the Open Access 2020 Initiative of the Max Planck Digital Library/Max Planck Society, the online conference placed particular emphasis on negotiation processes with publishers. In the two and a half years since the community came together at B14, negotiations of transformative agreements have advanced worldwide, demonstrating growing support for leveraging publisher agreements to accelerate the industry’s transition […]

  • How the COPIM Project and the UCSB Library are “Scaling Small” toward an open monograph future

    The UCSB Library is strongly committed to supporting Open Access initiatives promoting an open, inclusive, diverse, and sustainable publishing ecosystem in which all knowledge producers are equally empowered to publish and disseminate their research without barriers. Given the importance of the monograph to the creation and dissemination of research in the Humanities and Social Science, a shift to Open Access for academic monographs is not only possible but necessary. The UCSB Library’s participation in the COPIM project—including the Opening the Future initiative based on the principle of ‘Scaling Small’—is an important example of UCSB’s institutional commitment to Open Access transformation.   […]

  • PNAS and the University of California announce open access publishing agreement

    The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the University of California (UC) today announced a two-year transformative agreement that makes it easier and more affordable for corresponding authors at UC campuses and the Lawrence Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories to publish open access articles in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). This is the first transformative agreement between PNAS and a U.S. research institution, and UC’s tenth open access publishing agreement. “We are very pleased that researchers at UC campuses can now publish papers in PNAS as a Plan S–compliant open access journal through our new […]

  • Practical Idealism: UC’s Approach to Open Access

    MacKenzie Smith, University Librarian and Vice Provost of Digital Scholarship at the University of California, Davis, provides the following commentary on UC’s recent transformative agreements with Elsevier and other publishers. Since its announcement in March 2021, UC’s open access agreement with Elsevier has sparked discussion around the world. To understand why, it’s important to know how we got to this point.  Open access is in the University of California’s DNA. As a public land grant university, funded primarily by tuition and taxpayers, it is our mission and mandate to share our research with the world to advance knowledge and benefit […]

  • May 2021 update on open access and academic journal contracts: a presentation to the UC Board of Regents’ Academic and Student Affairs Committee

    On May 12, 2021, Provost and Executive Vice President Michael T. Brown, University Librarian and Chief Digital Scholarship Officer Jeffrey MacKie-Mason, Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director Günter Waibel, and Associate Executive Director & Director of Collection Development Ivy Anderson briefed the UC Board of Regents’ Academic and Student Affairs Committee on transformative open access and academic journal contracts. The video archive of the presentation is available on YouTube and below. A copy of the presentation script is also available for download.


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