Post Tagged with: "eScholarship"

  • EcoEvoRxiv partners with California Digital Library to re-launch preprint service on Janeway

    The EcoEvoRxiv community and the eScholarship Publishing program at the California Digital Library (CDL) are delighted to announce a partnership to host the EcoEvoRxiv preprint server at the CDL. The re-launch of EcoEvoRxiv is scheduled to take place during International Open Access Week 2022 (October 24-30).

  • Pathways to Open Access: Library Publishing/Repository Services and CDL

    The Pathways blog series highlights CDL’s efforts on various pathways to open access and illustrates how diverse approaches can complement and reinforce each other–and how they can raise productive tensions that push us to think more critically about the work we do. We believe this kind of approach can move us toward true and comprehensive transformation of the scholarly communications landscape. What is the strategy described in this post? This post discusses the California Digital Library’s eScholarship Publishing and Repository Services as core pathways to open access at the University of California. Ellen Finnie’s prior post in this series focused on the […]

  • Campus Partner Highlight: Mitchell Brown reflects on the success of eScholarship at UC Irvine

    As the celebrations of eScholarship’s 20th anniversary continue, we turn our attention to our longstanding relationship with UC Irvine and our successful partnership on both the repository and journals sides of the program.  UC Irvine boasts ​​10 journals and 59 campus department homepages in eScholarship, showcasing the breadth of research at UCI – in the arts and social sciences, as well as earth, biological, and medical sciences. To date, open access (OA) content on the UCI eScholarship site has received a staggering 13.5 million views: if one of the goals of OA is to reach a wide readership, then UCI […]

  • photograph of people at study tables inside the UCSF library

    Thousands of older dissertations from UCSF newly available in eScholarship

    Over three thousand dissertations and theses digitized from UCSF’s archives, originally submitted to the university between 1965 and 2006, were added to eScholarship this year. These titles cover topics as disparate as the pregnancy experiences of black women, AIDS and identity in the gay press of the 1980s, and models for examining the clearance of drugs from the liver. Before the project was undertaken to add these dissertations and theses to eScholarship, accessing them was challenging: you may have been able to find one in a database if you were at a subscribing institution, but if the title was old […]

  • Box with words "Next Generation Library Publishing"

    eScholarship pilots new technologies

    The University of California’s open access publishing program and institutional repository, eScholarship, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. As part of this celebration of the many ways eScholarship has enabled UC affiliated scholars and editors to openly share their research and publications with the world over the past two decades, we’ve taken some time to examine the nuts and bolts of our services, which have grown organically as we’ve expanded and adapted to support the changing needs of the scholarly community and the reading public.  Looking under the hood, we find that, while eScholarship is still a powerful and […]

  • eScholarship celebrates its 20-year anniversary!

    The University of California’s eScholarship publishing and institutional repository program celebrates its 20-year anniversary this year, a milestone that provides us with an opportunity to reflect on how far UC has come in the work of open access library publishing and to consider all the work there is yet to do. The eScholarship repository platform was launched by the California Digital Library (CDL) in collaboration with the UC libraries in April 2002, the year before Arnold Schwarzenegger’s election as governor of the state of California and three years before the establishment of the UC Merced campus. Born of consultations with […]

  • Glossa Psycholinguistics Publishes First Articles!

    The eScholarship Publishing program at the University of California is delighted to announce the publication of the first articles of Glossa Psycholinguistics (GP), a Fair Open Access journal for psycholinguistic research. In their inaugural editorial, the journal’s editors-in-chief Fernanda Ferreira and Brian Dillon describe Glossa Psycholinguistics as “a venue in which research on understanding the psychological and neurological basis of language takes central priority, but which explicitly invites work that bridges many of the various research traditions and paradigms that constitute psycholinguistics, broadly construed. Our hope is that the articles published in GP will explore the human capacity for language […]

  • Combinatorial Theory Publishes First Issue!

    The eScholarship Publishing program at the University of California is delighted to announce the publication of the first issue of Combinatorial Theory, a new open access journal focused on mathematical research in Combinatorics, with applications throughout the mathematical, computational and natural sciences. As described by its editors, Combinatorial Theory is “owned by mathematicians, dedicated to Diamond Open Access publishing with no fees for authors or readers, and committed to an inclusive view of the vibrant worldwide community in Combinatorics.” Combinatorial Theory was founded in September 2020, when most of the editorial board for one of the oldest and most prestigious […]

  • Glossa Psycholinguistics launches on UC’s eScholarship publishing platform

    The eScholarship publishing program of the University of California is pleased to announce the launch of Glossa Psycholinguistics, a new journal publishing original research and theoretical reviews in psycholinguistics, broadly defined. The journal is committed to open access and open science. Published articles will bring together empirical and theoretical perspectives, illuminate our understanding of the nature of language, and make use of a broad range of behavioral, experimental, computational, and neuroscience approaches. Glossa Psycholinguistics is a spinoff of Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. “The field of psycholinguistics has long recognized the need for a scientifically credible open access publishing […]

  • Combinatorial Theory Journal Launches on UC’s eScholarship Publishing Platform with Innovative Open Access Funding Model

    The eScholarship Publishing program of the University of California is pleased to announce the launch of Combinatorial Theory, a new mathematics journal expecting its first issue in Spring 2021. This journal will publish papers in Combinatorics, an active area of mathematical research with applications throughout the mathematical, computational and natural sciences. Combinatorial Theory is owned by mathematicians who believe in the importance of unfettered access to research as a means of engaging the global combinatorial community. As such, it is an open access publication, with no fees for authors or readers.  Combinatorial Theory was founded in September 2020, when most […]


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