Post Tagged with: "UC Davis"

  • UC-Published Journals Take Top Honors in Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) 2022 Awards

    Congratulations to Journal of Autoethnography (UC Press) and Alon: Journal for Filipinx American and Diasporic Studies (eScholarship Publishing) for taking top honors in the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) Best New Journal award category at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association in January – marking the first time two UC-affiliated publications (and publishers) have swept the CELJ awards in this category. CELJ is an organization of editors of scholarly journals in all disciplines and the annual CELJ Awards Competition recognizes outstanding achievement in editorial work in scholarly journal publication.  The CELJ jury had the following to […]

  • Open Access Week poster with trash-strewn beach

    UC campuses celebrate Open Access Week 2022

    International Open Access Week is an annual global event celebrating and sharing knowledge about free online access to scholarly publications. This year’s Open Access Week is October 24-30. This year’s theme, “Open for Climate Justice,” was chosen because “Openness can create pathways to more equitable knowledge sharing and serve as a means to address the inequities that shape the impacts of climate change and our response to them,” as explained on the International Open Access Week website. The University of California Libraries have planned a variety of workshops and materials to observe International Open Access Week, many of which are […]

  • Glossa Psycholinguistics Publishes First Articles!

    The eScholarship Publishing program at the University of California is delighted to announce the publication of the first articles of Glossa Psycholinguistics (GP), a Fair Open Access journal for psycholinguistic research. In their inaugural editorial, the journal’s editors-in-chief Fernanda Ferreira and Brian Dillon describe Glossa Psycholinguistics as “a venue in which research on understanding the psychological and neurological basis of language takes central priority, but which explicitly invites work that bridges many of the various research traditions and paradigms that constitute psycholinguistics, broadly construed. Our hope is that the articles published in GP will explore the human capacity for language […]

  • Ultrasound in Resource-Limited Settings: A Case Based, Open Access Text

    Faculty at UC Davis Health in collaboration with the California Digital Library (CDL) and Blaisdell Medical Library are pleased to announce the release of Ultrasound in Resource-Limited Settings: A Case Based, Open Access Text. This new online resource aims to provide an open access clinical resource for radiologists and clinicians who practice ultrasound in low and limited resourced healthcare settings. The project was conceived of and developed by two UC Davis Health physicians: Michael Schick and Rebecca Stein-Wexler, with help from Aida Nasirishargh as the online editor. Drs. Schick and Stein-Wexler have been teaching and using ultrasound for many years […]

  • University of California comments in response to 2020 OSTP RFI on public access to federally funded research

    In February, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued an RFI requesting comment on how public access to federally funded research could be broadened, and in parallel, conducted a series of stakeholder meetings. As a participant in two of the meetings, I sensed broad alignment among all stakeholders — commercial publishers, society publishers, university administrators, librarians, faculty members and funders — in affirming their support of open access. And for all of those groups, with the exception of the vast majority of publishers in the conversation, embracing that fundamental goal also translated into widely held support […]

  • UC Davis–Delta Stewardship Council Journal Has Helped Inform California Water Policies for 15 Years

    This article was written by Lisa Howard and originally appeared on the UC Davis Office of Research site. When the peer-reviewed journal San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science launched fifteen years ago, the editors chose what was then a somewhat new model of scientific publication known as “open access.” At that time, most academic journal publishers kept their content behind pay walls, accessible only with expensive subscriptions that were mostly paid by institutions like universities. The sequestered academic content was a big problem when it came to research about the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed, which includes not only the San Francisco Bay, […]

  • Open Access open padlock logo

    UC campuses celebrate Open Access Week 2017

    This year, international Open Access Week is October 23-29.. The theme, “Open in Order to…,” was chosen, according to Heather Joseph, Executive Director of SPARC, to highlight the many benefits of open access  for different people, including “increasing citation counts, enabling anyone to learn from the latest scholarship, or accelerating the translation of research into economic gains.” The University of California Libraries have planned a variety of events this year in order to explore and celebrate issues related to open access. Find one near you!

  • UC Davis and CDL assess APC-funded open access business models

    The Pay It Forward project was conducted during 2015 and the first half of 2016 under the leadership of UC Davis and the California Digital Library. This post by Mathew Willmott and Ivy Anderson, two of the CDL principals on the project, discusses the driving forces behind this effort, the research goals pursued, and the major results produced from the work. Open access to the journal literature is a long-cherished goal of many authors, academic institutions, and other stakeholders in the scholarly communication system; how to reach that goal in an economically sustainable way is a central question that continues to […]

  • Experts on Open Educational Resources Visiting Five UC Campuses

    The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) is an international alliance of academic and research libraries working to create a more open system of scholarly communication. Two of SPARC’s prominent experts, Nicole Allen and Nick Shockey, will be visiting five UC campuses in whirlwind California tour this May.
