Post Tagged with: "Open Access"

  • University of California comments in response to 2020 OSTP RFI on public access to federally funded research

    In February, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued an RFI requesting comment on how public access to federally funded research could be broadened, and in parallel, conducted a series of stakeholder meetings. As a participant in two of the meetings, I sensed broad alignment among all stakeholders — commercial publishers, society publishers, university administrators, librarians, faculty members and funders — in affirming their support of open access. And for all of those groups, with the exception of the vast majority of publishers in the conversation, embracing that fundamental goal also translated into widely held support […]

  • EarthArXiv announces new partnership with California Digital Library to host earth sciences preprint service

    The Advisory Council of the EarthArXiv preprint service for earth sciences is pleased to announce a partnership with the California Digital Library (CDL) that will support EarthArXiv’s mission, future growth, and long-term sustainability. Core to this partnership will be the transition of EarthArXiv’s preprints server – including public display and submission management – from the Center for Open Science to the eScholarship Publishing program at the CDL. CDL will host EarthArXiv using Janeway, an open source publishing platform developed by the Centre for Technology and Publishing and the Open Library of Humanities at Birkbeck University of London. EarthArXiv’s Advisory Council will maintain ownership […]

  • ACM Open Access Agreement goes live

    In January 2020,  the University of California announced that it had signed an agreement with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), to make it easier for UC authors to publish open access in ACM journals, conferences, and magazines. We’re pleased to let you know that the workflow for this agreement is in effect as of May 13, 2020. How does the deal work? For all UC corresponding authors, open access is now the default publication option for research and review articles in any ACM journal, conference, or magazine. This is made possible through an institutionally prepaid publishing agreement.  Authors can opt […]

  • PLOS Open Access Agreement Goes Live

    In February, the University of California announced that it had signed an agreement with the open access publisher, PLOS, to make it easier and more affordable for UC authors to publish in PLOS’ journals. We’re pleased to let you know that this agreement is in effect as of April 1! How does the deal work? Starting April 1, 2020, all manuscripts submitted for publication in a PLOS journal with a corresponding author from any of the ten UC campuses, UCOP, or Lawrence Berkeley National Lab are eligible for funding assistance from the UC Libraries. Under the agreement, the UC Libraries […]

  • University of California Issues Policy on Open Access for Theses and Dissertations

    On March 25, 2020, the University of California issued a Policy on Open Access for Theses and Dissertations. The systemwide policy, which aligns with those already in place at individual UC campuses, “requires theses or dissertations prepared at the University to be (1) deposited into an open access repository, and (2) freely and openly available to the public, subject to a requested delay of access (“embargo”) obtained by the student.” Theses and dissertations already made open access can be read in eScholarship, UC’s open access repository and scholarly publishing platform. With this policy, “the University affirms the long-standing tradition that […]

  • CDL signs letter of support for Immediate Open Access to Federally Funded Research

    This letter represents US publishing organizations who support a potential White House Executive Order for immediate Open Access to federally funded research and directly addresses some of the prior claims in a letter released by AAP. CDL has signed this letter as an open access publisher (eScholarship Publishing). Publishing organizations and scholarly societies who would like to join as additional signatories can reach out to PLOS at To read an earlier response to the AAP letter by Ivy Anderson and Jeff MacKie-Mason, who co-chair UC’s publisher negotiations strategy team, see last week’s blog post. Dear President Trump, We, the undersigned […]

  • UC Response to Publisher Letter Opposing Immediate Open Access to Federally Funded Research

    Ivy Anderson and Jeff MacKie-Mason, who co-chair the team overseeing UC’s publisher negotiations strategy, have provided the following response to a recent open letter in which a number of commercial and society journal publishers voiced their opposition to a policy, rumored to be under discussion by the U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy, that would require federally funded research be made freely available to the public immediately upon publication, rather than within 12 months as current policy stipulates.  The University of California believes the public should have access to publicly-funded research, freely and immediately upon publication. We are deeply […]

  • Changes are here: Publishing open access journal articles with Cambridge University Press

    Starting in 2020, the University of California’s system for open access publishing with Cambridge University Press will be fully in effect, under the transformative open access agreement first announced in April 2019.  Funding is available from the UC libraries to cover open access publishing fees. The libraries will cover the entire cost for authors without grant funds available. Grant-funded authors will be asked to pay a portion of the cost, when feasible, but they, too, will find open access publishing much more affordable thanks to added support from the libraries. A new payment workflow makes it easy to apply your […]

  • University of California statement on Carnegie Mellon University’s transformative open access agreement with Elsevier

    Jeff MacKie-Mason and Ivy Anderson, who co-chair the team overseeing UC’s publisher negotiations strategy, issued the below statement today (Nov. 21) following Carnegie Mellon University’s announcement that CMU has reached a transformative agreement with Elsevier that integrates open access publishing of CMU research with the university’s subscription to Elsevier journal content.  We congratulate our colleagues at Carnegie Mellon on their bold commitment to open access and their success in reaching this landmark agreement with Elsevier. We are hopeful that the Carnegie Mellon news is a positive sign that Elsevier is ready to start signing transformative open access agreements with other […]

  • UC Irvine first campus to launch Presidential OA Policy

    This week, UC Irvine became the first UC campus to launch the UC Presidential Open Access Policy implementation, enabling UC Irvine Health Science Clinical Professors and Librarians to join their Academic Senate colleagues in using the UC Publication Management System to make their scholarly articles freely available in eScholarship, UC’s open access repository and publishing platform.  Thanks to increasingly enthusiastic participation in the Academic Senate OA Policy, the global community (both academic and public) now has access to nearly 46,000 articles that would otherwise be locked behind publisher paywalls. Participation in the Presidential OA Policy builds on this momentum by […]


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