Post Tagged with: "eScholarship"

  • UC Press and eScholarship Launch UC Publishing Services program

    UC Press and CDL’s eScholarship program are pleased to announce the launch of UC Publishing Services (UCPUBS). Leveraging the expertise of both the Press and eScholarship Publishing, UCPUBS offers a broad range of publishing solutions aimed at supporting the traditional and open access publishing needs of editorially independent publishing programs within the University of California system. UC Publishing Services provides scalable publishing solutions and infrastructure to organized research units, departments, and other UC affiliates wishing to manage their book series and imprints, journals, and other kinds of academic content.  Together, UC Press and eScholarship Publishing produce and disseminate approximately 200 […]

  • eScholarship Journal Spotlight: Glossa Psycholinguistics

    In this new University of California (UC) Office of Scholarly Communication blog series, we highlight the successes and challenges of leading journals published by UC’s eScholarship Publishing program through interviews with journal editors. Our first interview is with the co-editors-in-chief of Glossa Psycholinguistics, Fernanda Ferreira (Distinguished Professor of Psychology, UC Davis) and Brian Dillon (Professor of Linguistics, UMass Amherst). What is the origin/focus/purpose of your journal? Glossa Psycholinguistics publishes contributions to the field of psycholinguistics, which is the scientific discipline focusing on how people process, remember, and acquire human languages. For example, in a recent issue we have several articles […]

  • Book cover, yellow background with blue horizontal stripe across the middle. Title, "The Art of Diversity," in blue above the stripe, and subtitle "A Chronicle of Advancing the University of California Faculty through Efforts in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 2010-2022" in yellow on the stripe.

    New Open Access Book from eScholarship Publishing: The Art of Diversity by Susan Carlson

    eScholarship Publishing, University of California, announces a new open access book release: The Art of Diversity: A Chronicle of Advancing the University of California Faculty through Efforts in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 2010–2022 by Susan Carlson. In this institutional history, Carlson details the University of California’s systemwide efforts to increase the diversity of its faculty during her tenure as Vice Provost, UC Office of the President. It tells the story of a remarkable alignment of California stakeholders—from the UC Regents and University leaders to the Academic Senate and the California legislature, from small faculty teams to multicampus coalitions—and how they […]

  • Make your collected works openly available in eScholarship!

    The UC OA policies have been helping authors make their work available online for over ten years, but what about publications that predate these policies? Authors with publication lists spanning many decades need additional tools to ensure that their collected works are publicly archived. They may have questions like “Where can I share these?” or “Is it a copyright problem to share them?” or even “I don’t have a copy, how do I find this?”  There is now a toolkit on the OSC site to help authors work through these questions and more, with the goal of ultimately providing access […]

  • Journal of Right-Wing Studies Launches on eScholarship “in a period of extraordinary right-wing mobilization across the globe”

    The eScholarship Publishing program of the University of California is proud to announce the publication of the first issue of the Journal of Right-Wing Studies (JRWS), an open access, nonideological journal that “seeks to promote research, dialogue, and debate on all aspects of right-wing politics, past and present, in the West and around the globe.” JRWS is operated by UC Berkeley’s Center for Right-Wing Studies, which has, over the past fourteen years, become an important hub for scholars and institutions. In his inaugural editorial, the journal’s editor in chief Larry Rosenthal states, “We are launching the journal in a period […]

  • EarthArXiv logo, open padlock with the circular part of the padlock as half globe, half concentric circles of red orange and yellow representing layers of the earth's interior

    PLOS-to-EarthArXiv preprint submission is live

    Preprints enable scholars to rapidly communicate research via open access and get feedback from their colleagues earlier in the publishing process. Recently, the Public Library of Science (PLOS), the EarthArXiv preprint server, and the California Digital Library launched a new service enabling authors who submit articles to participating PLOS journals to submit those same manuscripts to EarthArXiv simultaneously. Authors have begun to avail themselves of this opportunity, opting to make their work publicly available, citable, and open for feedback as EarthArXiv preprints before formal publication. 

  • EcoEvoRxiv expands to new language communities

    This month the EcoEvoRxiv preprint server begins welcoming submissions in Portuguese and Spanish, in addition to English. Home to over 1,000 empirical, theoretical, and review preprints in a range of ecology, evolution, and conservation topics, EcoEvoRxiv is a service of the Society for Open, Reliable, and Transparent Ecology and Evolutionary biology (SORTEE). The preprint server is hosted by the California Digital Library under the eScholarship Publishing program.

  • Native American and Indigenous scholarship now available to all: AICRJ flips to an open access publishing model with eScholarship!

    The eScholarship Publishing program of the University of California is pleased to announce the open access launch of the American Indian Culture and Research Journal (AICRJ). AICRJ was founded in 1970 and is published by the American Indian Studies Center at the University of California, Los Angeles. It is a premier journal in Native American and Indigenous studies and includes a multidisciplinary collection of original scholarly work on a wide range of issues in the fields of history, anthropology, geography, sociology, political science, health, literature, law, education, and the arts.  “The American Indian Culture and Research Journal is one of […]

  • UC-Published Journals Take Top Honors in Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) 2022 Awards

    Congratulations to Journal of Autoethnography (UC Press) and Alon: Journal for Filipinx American and Diasporic Studies (eScholarship Publishing) for taking top honors in the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) Best New Journal award category at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association in January – marking the first time two UC-affiliated publications (and publishers) have swept the CELJ awards in this category. CELJ is an organization of editors of scholarly journals in all disciplines and the annual CELJ Awards Competition recognizes outstanding achievement in editorial work in scholarly journal publication.  The CELJ jury had the following to […]

  • The Future of Digital Publishing

    This article was first published in Refract: An Open Access Visual Studies Journal, in the special supplement “Imagining the Future of Digital Publishing.“ The authors respond to a series of questions posed by the journal editorial board about how digital publishing is transforming scholarly communication. How do you view the relationship between digital publishing and peer review? Are there other ways to create and assess legitimacy and scholarly rigor in digital publication spaces? Peer review has long been held as the gold standard for article evaluation. At its simplest, the goal of peer review is to ensure that a published article in […]


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