Note: After more than two years of negotiations, in March 2021 the University of California announced a transformative open access agreement with Elsevier. This is a copy of the old “UC and Elsevier: FAQs” page maintained as an archive. For current information about UC and Elsevier, see the actively maintained page.

How to Access Elsevier Articles
Negotiations with Elsevier
Moving Towards Open Access
Managing Costs
Impact on Faculty and Researchers

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How to Access Elsevier Articles

What Elsevier articles, if any, can I still access via ScienceDirect?

How can I access Elsevier articles in other ways?

I need help accessing an article. Who should I contact?

Is it okay for me to subscribe to a journal that I use regularly?

What is UC seeking in its negotiations with Elsevier and other scholarly journal publishers?

Why did UC terminate its subscriptions with Elsevier?

What did UC’s proposal look like?

How are faculty involved in the Elsevier negotiations?

Why are the negotiations with Elsevier noteworthy?

I've heard the current system described as double dipping. What does this mean?

Moving Towards Open Access

Why does UC encourage its researchers to publish their work open access?

How have faculty informed the UC’s stance on open access?

How does open access publishing benefit UC researchers?

How prevalent is open access at universities and institutions in other parts of the country and around the world, and how does the UC fit into this larger context?

What does UC’s transformative model look like?

How can I support the university’s efforts to advance open access research?

Managing Costs

How would integrating open access publishing fees with the libraries’ subscription contract save UC money?

Why are scholarly journal subscriptions so expensive?

Impact on Faculty and Researchers

Can I continue to edit, review for, or publish in Elsevier journals?

Will funding be available to researchers for publishing costs?

How will UC’s proposed model provide flexibility to accommodate all UC authors, whether they want to publish open access or not?


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