Post Tagged with: "Open Access"

  • Pathways to Open Access: Transformative Agreements and CDL

    The Pathways blog series highlights CDL’s efforts on various pathways to open access and illustrates how diverse approaches can complement and reinforce each other–and how they can raise productive tensions that push us to think more critically about the work we do. We believe this kind of approach can move us toward true and comprehensive transformation of the scholarly communications landscape. What is the strategy described in this post? This post explores one path to open access: CDL’s efforts to advance transformative agreements.   UC’s strategy for this pathway is grounded in what UC stakeholders refer to as the “moral imperative […]

  • Campus Partner Highlight: Mitchell Brown reflects on the success of eScholarship at UC Irvine

    As the celebrations of eScholarship’s 20th anniversary continue, we turn our attention to our longstanding relationship with UC Irvine and our successful partnership on both the repository and journals sides of the program.  UC Irvine boasts ​​10 journals and 59 campus department homepages in eScholarship, showcasing the breadth of research at UCI – in the arts and social sciences, as well as earth, biological, and medical sciences. To date, open access (OA) content on the UCI eScholarship site has received a staggering 13.5 million views: if one of the goals of OA is to reach a wide readership, then UCI […]

  • IEEE and University of California Sign Transformative Open Access Publishing Agreement

    This post is a press release issued by IEEE and the University of California. IEEE and the University of California today announce a four-year read-and-publish agreement to enable researchers across the 10-campus university system to publish open access in the technical professional organization’s approximately 200 leading journals and magazines. IEEE is among the largest publishers of UC research.  “IEEE is a publisher of crucial importance to UC authors, who read and work with IEEE daily,” said Dr. Solmaz Kia, associate professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science and former research chair of the Henry Samueli School of Engineering […]

  • Nature portfolio now included in UC-Springer Nature open access agreement

    Beginning August 1, 2022, UC corresponding authors publishing in the Nature portfolio of journals will be able to publish their articles as open access with financial support from the UC libraries. The agreement applies to a broad range of Nature hybrid and fully open access journals, including Nature, the Nature research journals, Nature Communications and Scientific Reports. Under the agreement, the UC libraries will pay the first $1,000 of the article processing charges (“APCs”) for articles by UC corresponding authors that are accepted for publication in hybrid and open access Nature journals covered by the agreement. The remainder due on […]

  • photograph of people at study tables inside the UCSF library

    Thousands of older dissertations from UCSF newly available in eScholarship

    Over three thousand dissertations and theses digitized from UCSF’s archives, originally submitted to the university between 1965 and 2006, were added to eScholarship this year. These titles cover topics as disparate as the pregnancy experiences of black women, AIDS and identity in the gay press of the 1980s, and models for examining the clearance of drugs from the liver. Before the project was undertaken to add these dissertations and theses to eScholarship, accessing them was challenging: you may have been able to find one in a database if you were at a subscribing institution, but if the title was old […]

  • SAGE Publishing and the University of California announce a transformative agreement to expand reach of UC research

    This post is a press release issued by the University of California and SAGE Publishing. LOS ANGELES, CA (June 7, 2022) — SAGE Publishing and the University of California (UC) announce an agreement to expand open access publishing opportunities for researchers at all 10 UC campuses. Running through 2024, the agreement will provide funding for UC researchers to make their SAGE research articles free and openly available to the world. SAGE is one of the largest publishers of UC research in the social sciences and humanities.   “This agreement advances UC’s goal to accelerate the shift to a more open, fair, […]

  • and University of California logos

    UC’s pilot extended for two additional years

    Three years ago, University of California launched a pilot with, bringing unlimited Premium accounts to all 10 UC campuses and the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL). Today, we are happy to announce an extension for an additional two years – through May 31, 2024.  Pilot extension As we seek to advance open access and open research on several fronts, the University of California continues to support ways to unlock the underlying methods and protocols used in lab experiments. “Our Premium account enables an unlimited number of individuals and groups to use the platform for private methods,” explains Anneliese Taylor, […]

  • Institutions partner with ACS to advance first California-wide transformative open access agreement

    This post is a press release issued by the University of California, California State University, the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium, and the American Chemical Society. WASHINGTON, May 17, 2022 — Three California consortia, representing nearly 60 academic and research institutions, and the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) today announced the first-ever California-wide transformative open access agreement. It is also ACS’ first “read and publish” agreement in the U.S. composed of multiple consortia. Through a partnership with the 10-campus University of California (UC) system, the 23-campus California State University (CSU) system, and 25 subscribing institutions represented by […]

  • New OSC resource to support book authors interested in open access publishing

    The UC Office of Scholarly Communication has created a new resource for faculty who have questions about open access book publishing. Created by a working group that included faculty, librarians, and a representative from UC Press, the newly created OA books FAQ is intended to address some questions that faculty may have about their OA publishing options and provide links to additional resources that will help faculty navigate this landscape. Open access publishing has been growing for the last two decades, but that growth has so far been largely confined to journal articles.  However, as open access publishing has become […]

  • eScholarship celebrates its 20-year anniversary!

    The University of California’s eScholarship publishing and institutional repository program celebrates its 20-year anniversary this year, a milestone that provides us with an opportunity to reflect on how far UC has come in the work of open access library publishing and to consider all the work there is yet to do. The eScholarship repository platform was launched by the California Digital Library (CDL) in collaboration with the UC libraries in April 2002, the year before Arnold Schwarzenegger’s election as governor of the state of California and three years before the establishment of the UC Merced campus. Born of consultations with […]


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