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  • Getting found: Indexing and the independent OA journal

    …s time. Indexes vary, and base their decisions on a wide variety of criteria. Some just focus on article quality and require journals to submit issues for review. Some also want to see international representation on an editorial board. Medical journals may have particular requirements around conflict of interest disclosure. Having a dialogue with the reviewers is crucial. It can expose questions that may be easily resolved, or clarify concerns ab…

  • Peer Review

    …scholarly community, the peer review process has also been criticized on a number of fronts, including: Conscious or unconscious bias by reviewers and/or editors Slow turnaround by reviewers  Reliance on unpaid and untrained labor  Poor checks against malicious intent or misconduct Introduction of algorithmic bias through AI tools  While most scholars are aware of these issues, there remains trust in the basic premise that a review of scholarship…

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    Open Mic: L2 Journal editors on the rapidly growing field of applied linguistics, the challenges of transhumanism, and the power of open access

    …in Language and Literature. She told us she’s had trouble accessing a huge number of journals, and she was very happy to come across the journal and the eScholarship platform. She said to please keep it that way! Mark Kaiser: Another factor is that because the journal is concerned with language teaching– a big part of applied linguistics is how to teach language– making it open access gives access to the many thousands of teachers of English in hi…

  • UC Launches Robust Publication Management System in Support of Open Access Policy

    …All authors receive monthly usage reports from eScholarship, detailing the number of views and downloads of their articles.) Below is an example of how a deposited article appears in eScholarship. View this article on eScholarship. Faculty authors can participate in the open access policy either by depositing a file or by providing a link to a freely available version of their article in an open access journal or open access repository such as Pub…

  • Transitioning Journals to Open Access

    This page contains an expanding number of resources created by OSC to support journal editors and publishers and the organizations or libraries that work with them. The resources can be used as a toolkit to facilitate the open access (OA) transitioning process. Please reach out to us if you edit or publish a journal looking to transition to open access, or if you are working with journal editors seeking transition support. E-mail: …

  • NIH Public Access Policy: Information for UC Authors

    …g work more visible among scientists around the world is greater impact. A number of studies on the citation advantage of open access have shown that open access articles are, on the whole, more highly cited. The open environment provided by NIH will facilitate development of new kinds of computational research techniques. Already the full-texts of journal articles in PubMed Central are linked to other scientific databases such as GenBank, enablin…

  • Photo of compass sitting on notebooks and burlap

    Transitioning journals to open access: Guidance from and for the field

    …blishing issues. Over the past two years, we have engaged in an increasing number of discussions with journal editors interested in transitioning their journals to open access. We have also learned a few lessons in the process–particularly regarding the specific issues that any OA-aspiring journal must address, e.g., choosing publishing platforms, funding models, copyright and licensing policies, and communications strategies. Given OSC’s mission…

  • Elsevier Transformative Open Access Agreement

    …2022, this also includes all Cell Press and The Lancet journals. A limited number of societies that partner with Elsevier for their publishing have chosen to exclude their journals from transformative agreements, so their journals are not eligible for either reading, publishing, or both under the agreement.  For specific title details, please see the complete list of titles included in (and excluded from) the agreement (please note that this title…

  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Transformative Open Access Agreement

    …, the overall financial risk to UC is limited. The UC Libraries reviewed a number of funding strategies (set forth in the Pathways to OA toolkit) that could help transition academic journals from closed to open. One such strategy identified would be to enter into a transformative agreement, in which institutions and publishers shift the publishing model “from one based on toll access (subscription) to one in which publishers are remunerated a fair…

  • Redundancy is resistance: share your scholarship

    …te scholarship, via the author’s copyright, in the hands of a very limited number of parties. Most typically, this would mean giving a single publisher broad control over where, when, and how a work of scholarship might appear. The risk this arrangement poses for authors and for the public is that a copyright owner might use its control to silence a work, rather than to further its reach. This might sound paranoid, but there is no shortage of exam…
