• Pathways to Open Access: Choices and Opportunities

    A Call to Action On June 21, the University of California’s Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee (SLASIAC) issued a Call to Action here on this blog in which they announced their intent to embark on a new phase of activity in journal negotiations focused on open access (OA) to research. The Call to Action appeared alongside discussion of another recently-released University of California document, the Declaration of Rights and Principles to Transform Scholarly Communication, put forth by our system-wide faculty senate library committee (UCOLASC) and intended to guide our libraries toward OA when negotiating with publishers. There are […]

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    Open Mic: L2 Journal editors on the rapidly growing field of applied linguistics, the challenges of transhumanism, and the power of open access

    Open Mic is a new, informal interview series with editors of open access journals, offering insider perspectives on publishing culture across disciplines and fields. In this Open Mic interview with UC Berkeley’s L2 Journal of applied linguistics, we spoke with founder, General Editor, and Professor of German Claire Kramsch; Managing Editor and French Department PhD student Emily Linares; and Mark Kaiser, Associate Director of the Berkeley Language Center, which sponsors the journal, and creator of the BLC Library of Foreign Language Film Clips. (The original sponsor of L2 Journal was the UC Consortium for Language Learning & Teaching.) To start […]

  • Championing Change in Journal Negotiations

    Over the past year, the University of California’s Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee (SLASIAC), in partnership with our university libraries and the systemwide academic senate’s Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC), has been considering the twin challenges of journal affordability and the moral imperative of achieving a truly open scholarly communication system.  Making the research produced at the University of California open to the world has long been an important goal at UC, as evidenced by the strong Open Access policies enacted at the campus and systemwide level, our many initiatives to create open access publishing options for […]

  • Research Impact & Scholarly Profiles

    This post on Research Impact & Scholarly Profiles was created by UC Berkeley Library Scholarly Communications Services, and is available under a  Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License. It has been modified for inclusion on the UC OSC site by removing references to Berkeley-specific resources. Why are we talking about impact? Among other things, awareness of your scholarly impact can help you: Measuring Your Impact Measuring impact is not a perfect science, and there are many who argue against its implications altogether. Here, we just want to present information about the statistical measures that exist so that you can make informed decisions about […]

  • Arnhold-Punctum Publishing Lab at UCSB Library: A Case Study in Library-Publisher Collaboration

    I think we are dealing with massive uncertainty in almost every sphere at this point…Effective collaborations are going to be especially important now. Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information December 2017 Member Meeting At the Arnhold-Punctum Publishing Lab at UCSB Library, undergraduate students are doing the work of publishing scholarly monographs. The unusual cohort of academics responsible for the launch and success of this Lab believes that the future of scholarly publishing is a collaborative, community-based, mission-driven, and service-oriented endeavor that engages teams with a range of skills, knowledge, expertise, and resources. But, before I get too far ahead of […]

  • Proposed Presidential Policy on Open Access for Theses and Dissertations

    [Editor’s note: this post is kept as an archive, but since the policy is no longer under review, some of the links go to pages that do not exist. For current UC policies, visit policy.ucop.edu.] A proposed new presidential policy on open access theses and dissertations is open for systemwide review until February 28, 2018. All members of the UC community are invited to comment on the draft policy. Visit the UC Academic Affairs website to read the draft policy, a cover letter with instructions on where to send comments, and a set of Frequently Asked Questions. The draft policy […]

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    Reputation managment: your identity, your story

    Unless you are a CIA operative or completely off the grid, you are very likely to have some sort of digital footprint beyond your published articles and departmental faculty profile. This can be a good thing if, for example, you are: entering the job market or looking for collaborators in interdisciplinary research; applying for a major research grant; hoping the media will call you for an expert opinion in your field of study; trying to reach the public and/or policy makers who are misunderstanding (and defunding) the research being done in your field. Having a digital presence beyond your formal […]

  • It’s here! CDL launches redesigned eScholarship

    The Publishing group at the California Digital Library is pleased to announce the launch of a major redesign of the eScholarship publishing and repository platform. The new eScholarship site includes: Enhanced campus repository sites Advanced customization tools for journals and publishing units Expanded readership metrics, including Altmetrics for repository content Mobile friendly, interactive, and accessible experience for readers Open source technology solutions

  • Open Access open padlock logo

    UC campuses celebrate Open Access Week 2017

    This year, international Open Access Week is October 23-29.. The theme, “Open in Order to…,” was chosen, according to Heather Joseph, Executive Director of SPARC, to highlight the many benefits of open access  for different people, including “increasing citation counts, enabling anyone to learn from the latest scholarship, or accelerating the translation of research into economic gains.” The University of California Libraries have planned a variety of events this year in order to explore and celebrate issues related to open access. Find one near you!

  • A belated update on DMCA takedown notices

    Back in 2014, the University of California got its first set of DMCA takedown notices for eScholarship, UC’s open access repository and publishing platform. I wrote about it here on the OSC blog, which you can check out if you want to see our tips for authors who want to avoid receiving a takedown notice (short version: post the right version of your article). I also said in that post that we’d report on any other notices that UC received for eScholarship, because we believe it’s important to be transparent about which publishers are using this procedure to target article […]
