From 2018 through 2020, the University of California engaged in negotiations with Elsevier, the world’s largest scholarly journal publisher, ultimately leading to a landmark transformative open access agreement announced in March 2021. Many of the foundational ideas honed during UC’s negotiations with Elsevier continue to inform the university’s priorities around open access, cost control, and author rights. 

  • The Alternative Access to Articles guide provided UC researchers with options for how to access articles during the period when UC did not have subscription access to Elsevier’s ScienceDirect platform.

Statements of Support From UC Leadership

  • The Academic Senate’s University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC) unanimously endorsed the convening of a publisher negotiation task force by the UC Council of University Librarians (CoUL), as well as the task force’s priorities for negotiations.
  • The Academic Senate issued statements in support of UC’s negotiating position with Elsevier in February 2019 and July 2019.

Briefings for the UC Regents

Key Media Coverage

Opinion and Position Statements From the University of California
