Following its adoption by the Academic Senate on July 24, 2013, the University of California Open Access Policy for faculty was widely publicized by UC and by other news sources. In addition, UC contacted approximately 200 publishers directly to inform them of the terms of the policy: the publishers listed at the bottom of this page were sent a letter explaining that the policy gives UC faculty the right to deposit a version of their article in an open access repository and that the policy was effective immediately. Publishers were also sent a copy of the full text of the Senate policy and an FAQ.
Though the vast majority of publishers that UC authors work with have been aware of UC’s Senate OA policy for years, very few of them have asked authors to opt out of the policy by getting a waiver. No publisher has notified the University that it plans to request waivers from all UC authors as a matter of course. Based recent years waiver requests by UC faculty, it appears that only a few smaller publishers are still regularly requesting waivers.
Below are the number of waivers requested by UC authors between August 2, 2013, when the UC-wide senate policy was announced, and November 1, 2024. Waivers can be obtained from the Waiver and Embargo page.
Note: this does not include the approximately 300 waivers created for UCSF authors between the adoption of UCSF’s local OA policy on May 21, 2012 and the announcement of the UC-wide policy, but it does include UCSF waivers for August 2, 2013 onward. Also, authors obtaining waivers of the UC OA policies have not been asked whether they are doing so at a publisher’s request or for other reasons.
Last updated February 25, 2025.Nature Publishing Group | 1714 |
AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) | 150 |
PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) | 125 |
American Roentgen Ray Society | 107 |
IOP (Institute of Physics) Publishing | 84 |
Physicians Postgraduate Press | 69 |
Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | 68 |
Elsevier | 13 |
SAGE | 8 |
Springer | 6 |
Wiley | 4 |
Thieme | 3 |
Penn State University Press | 2 |
BMJ | 2 |
Transportation Research Board | 2 |
ACS (American Chemical Society) | 1 |
AIP (American Institute of Physics) | 1 |
APA (American Psychological Association) | 1 |
APHA (American Public Health Association) | 1 |
APS (American Physical Society) | 1 |
ASPET (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics) | 1 |
Berghahn Books | 1 |
CRC Press | 1 |
Cold Spring Harbor Press | 1 |
EB Medicine | 1 |
FGV Sao Paulo School of Business Administration | 1 |
Karger | 1 |
LWW (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) | 1 |
Mary Ann Liebert | 1 |
Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture | 1 |
Palgrave | 1 |
Stanford Law School | 1 |
Taylor & Francis | 1 |
Tobacco Regulatory Science | 1 |
University of Chicago Press | 1 |
University of Pennsylvania Press | 1 |
University of Toronto Press | 1 |
Agreements With Publishers
Some publishers have agreed to clarify their support for the rights of UC authors in the context of the UC libraries’ negotiations to license their content. License agreements with these publishers now include language protecting the rights of all UC authors to share their work in an open access repository even if the publisher’s default terms would normally limit that right. Redacted versions of these agreements are available from California Digital Library:
- Electrochemical Society – see UC’s 2017 agreement with ECS (page 3)
- Karger – see UC’s 2019-2021 agreement with Karger (page 4)
- SAGE – see UC’s 2014-2016 agreement with SAGE (page 2)
- Taylor & Francis – see UC’s 2019-2021 agreement with Taylor & Francis (page 13)
- Wiley – see UC’s 2013-2015 Wiley Amendment (page 1)
List of Publishers Contacted
All the publishers below were contacted by October 15, 2013.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP)
Academy of Medical Sciences of I.R. Iran
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
Adam Matthew
Adenine Press
Alexander Street Press
Allen Press
Alliance Communications Group
American Academy of Audiology
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
American Association for Cancer Research
American Association for Clinical Chemistry
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
American Association of Immunologists
American Association of Public Health Dentistry
American Board of Family Medicine, Inc
American Chemical Society
American College of Chest Physicians
American College of Healthcare Executives
American College of Nutrition
American College of Physicians
American Dental Association
American Dental Education Assocation (ADEA)
American Diabetes Association
American Economic Association
American Geophysical Union
American Institute of Physics (AIP) Inc.
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
American Journal of Health Promotion
American Mathematical Society
American Medical Association
American Meteorological Society
American Pharmacists Association
American Physical Society
American Physiological Society
American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc
American Psychological Association
American Public Health Association
American Roentgen Ray Society
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
American Society for Cell Biology
American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc.
American Society for Investigative Pathology
American Society For Microbiology
American Society for Nutrition
American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Clinical Oncology
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
American Society of Hematology
American Society of Neuroradiology
American Society of Plant Biologists
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
American Thoracic Society
American Veterinary Medical Association
Annals of Family Medicine
Annual Reviews
ASM. The Materials Information Society
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Association for Asian Studies
Association For Research In Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.
Association of Schools of Public Health
ASTM International
Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
Bentham Science Publishers
Berkeley Electronic Press
BioMed Central Ltd
BMJ Publishing Group
Brill Academic Publishers
Cambridge University Press
Canadian Science Publishing
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Chronicle of Higher Education
Cognizant Communication Corporation
Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press Publications
College of American Pathologists
Columbia University Press
Company of Biologists
De Gruyter (Walter de Gruyter GmbH)
Duke University Press
Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle GmbH & Co. KG
Ecological Society of America
Edition Diffusion Presse Sciences
Electrochemical Society
Elsevier B.V.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
EMH Schweizerische Arzteverlag AG
Endocrine Society
Expert Reviews
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Frontiers Research Foundation
Future Medicine Ltd
Future Science Group Ltd
Genetics Society of America
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Gerontological Society of America
Guilford Publications, Inc.
Harborside Press
Harvey Whitney Books Company
HMP Communications
ICR Publishers
IEEE Publications
Index of Christian Art
Informa Group PLC
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Institute of Physics Publishing
Int. Medical Press Ltd
International Centre for Diffraction Data
International Institute of Anti-Cancer Research
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
IOP Publishing
John Libbey Eurotext Ltd
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Johns Hopkins University Press
Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Journal of Reproductive Medicine
JTE Multimedia
Kinokuniya Bookstores of America, Ltd
Landes Bioscience, Inc
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Maney Publishing
Mary Ann Liebert
Massachusetts Medical Society
Materials Research Society
Mayo Clinic Proceedings
Medical Library Association
MIT Press
Morgan & Claypool
Mosher and Linder, Inc
MultiMed Inc
National Academies Press (PNAS)
National Academy of Sciences
National Medical Association
National Research Council of Canada
Natural Standard
Nature Publishing Group
Neoplasia Press
New England Journal of Medicine
Now Publishers FNT
OceanSide Publications Inc.
Oncology Nursing Society
Optical Society of America
Ovid Technologies
Oxford University Press
Pan American Health Organization
Pharmacotherapy Publications Inc.
Physicians Postgraduate Press
PNG Publications
Portland Press Ltd.
Preston Publications, Inc.
Project Hope
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
Quadrant HealthCom Inc.
Quintessence Publishing Co Inc
Radiation Research Society
Radiological Society of North America
RAND Corporation
Rockefeller University Press
Royal Society
Royal Society of Medicine Press, LTD
RSC Publishing
S. Karger AG
Sage Publications
SLACK Incorporated
Society For General Microbiology
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Society for Neuroscience
Society for the Study of Reproduction
Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics)
Springer-Verlag GmbH
Taylor & Francis Group Ltd
Texas Heart Institute
Thieme Publishers
Thomas Land Publishers, Inc
UC Hastings College of the Law
University of California Press
University of Chicago Press
World Health Organization
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