• UC Press and eScholarship Launch UC Publishing Services program

    UC Press and CDL’s eScholarship program are pleased to announce the launch of UC Publishing Services (UCPUBS). Leveraging the expertise of both the Press and eScholarship Publishing, UCPUBS offers a broad range of publishing solutions aimed at supporting the traditional and open access publishing needs of editorially independent publishing programs within the University of California system. UC Publishing Services provides scalable publishing solutions and infrastructure to organized research units, departments, and other UC affiliates wishing to manage their book series and imprints, journals, and other kinds of academic content.  Together, UC Press and eScholarship Publishing produce and disseminate approximately 200 […]

  • California Universities and Oxford University Press Sign Landmark Open Access Agreement

    This post is a press release issued by the University of California, California State University, the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium, and Oxford University Press. The 10-campus University of California system (UC), 20 of 23 California State University (CSU) campuses, and 30 private academic and research institutions represented by the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) have reached a comprehensive four-year transformative open access agreement with Oxford University Press (OUP). The agreement begins this month and will provide affiliated researchers with access to OUP’s world-leading journals and support for publishing their work open access. “This partnership between UC, CSU and […]

  • New Open Access Agreement between the University of California and Copernicus Publications

    Effective January 1, 2025, the University of California (UC) and the open access publisher Copernicus Publications entered into a 1-year open access agreement that will make it easier and more affordable for UC researchers to publish in Copernicus journals. The new agreement with Copernicus expands UC’s partnerships with native open access publishers and advances the university’s efforts to empower more of its authors to share their research freely with the world. Under the agreement, the UC Libraries will automatically cover 50% of the open access fees, also known as article processing charges (APCs), for all UC corresponding authors who choose […]

  • University of California Enters Subscribe-to-Open Agreement with the American Society for Microbiology

    This post is adapted from a press release issued by the American Society for Microbiology and the University of California. The University of California (UC) and the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) are pleased to announce a novel multi-year Subscribe to Open (S2O) agreement that will make it easier and more affordable for UC corresponding authors to publishing open access with ASM.  Under this new agreement, authors affiliated with UC’s subscribing institutions will be able to publish an unlimited number of open access articles within ASM’s 6 primary research subscription-based journals, reducing barriers to publishing. All 10 UC campuses and […]

  • eScholarship Journal Spotlight: Glossa Psycholinguistics

    In this new University of California (UC) Office of Scholarly Communication blog series, we highlight the successes and challenges of leading journals published by UC’s eScholarship Publishing program through interviews with journal editors. Our first interview is with the co-editors-in-chief of Glossa Psycholinguistics, Fernanda Ferreira (Distinguished Professor of Psychology, UC Davis) and Brian Dillon (Professor of Linguistics, UMass Amherst). What is the origin/focus/purpose of your journal? Glossa Psycholinguistics publishes contributions to the field of psycholinguistics, which is the scientific discipline focusing on how people process, remember, and acquire human languages. For example, in a recent issue we have several articles […]

  • New tool enables UC authors to look up journals covered by UC’s open access publishing agreements

    We are excited to announce the launch of the Journal Open Access Look-up Tool (JOLT), a new service designed specifically for UC authors to easily determine if a journal qualifies under one of UC’s open access publishing agreements.  UC’s open access agreements provide financial support to authors for the payment of open access fees. By reducing the amount authors must pay when they choose to publish open access, these agreements make it easier and more affordable for authors to share their scholarship freely and openly with the world. With JOLT, authors can search more than 10,000 journal titles to find […]

  • New resources for UC authors to help them make their articles open access

    We’re happy to announce two new resources for UC authors, both of which provide easy-to-navigate guidance to making their research articles freely available.  Both versions include links to related information for authors, including pages focused on the UC open access policies and UC’s publisher agreements and discounts.  We know that the open access landscape can be overwhelming, especially for those new to the subject. We hope that these resources will help authors to better understand their options.

  • UC-wide protocols.io Pilot: A Five-Year Journey to Promote Research Reproducibility

    Since 2019, the University of California (UC) system has partnered with protocols.io to tackle one of the most pressing challenges in research: the lack of transparent, reproducible methods in scientific publications. This five-year pilot allowed UC researchers free access to the Premium tier plan with tools to create, share, and collaborate on research protocols. The pilot will end on October 31, 2024, however, UC members of protocols.io will be able to continue to utilize their existing accounts at the free Open Research tier going forward. As the pilot concludes, we reflect on its successes and outline what comes next for […]

  • New open access agreement between the University of California and Taylor & Francis

    Memorandum of understanding signed for four-year agreement that will empower more UC authors to share their scholarship openly with the world This post is a press release issued by the University of California and Taylor & Francis. The University of California (UC) and Taylor & Francis today announced a memorandum of understanding for a four-year read and publish agreement that will make it easier and more affordable for UC researchers to publish open access (OA) articles in nearly 2,500 Taylor & Francis journals. The new partnership between UC and one of the ten largest publishers of UC research advances a […]

  • UC leaders remain steadfast in advancing open scholarship and protecting the rights of scholars and readers

    This article was originally published on UCnet on July 22, 2024. The University of California (UC) remains committed to protecting the rights of those who create and read academic research — not only for UC’s faculty, students, researchers and clinicians, but also for people around the world who stand to benefit from this research. In a letter sent on June 19, 2024 (PDF version of the letter), UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D., and UC System Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Katherine S. Newman joined the UC Academic Senate to support the UC Libraries’ negotiations with publishers to protect these […]


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