Post Tagged with: "Open Access"

  • Follow up from The Right to Deposit webinar: statement and early signatories

    Approximately 350 attendees joined the webinar The Right to Deposit – Uniform Guidance to Ensure Author Compliance and Public Access on April 16, 2024. The event explored the conflicting messages authors face in the course of publishing their work and attempting to comply with the institutional, funder and publisher policies. Approaches discussed that could create more clarity in particular for federally funded authors include institutional open access policies as well as reliance on the federal purpose license. Like institutional open access policies, the federal purpose license establishes a pre-existing right to deposit an article. At the conclusion of the event, […]

  • Better together: BTAA Libraries, CDL, and Lyrasis commit to strengthen Diamond Open Access in the United States

    Representatives from the Big Ten Academic Alliance Libraries (BTAA Libraries), California Digital Library (CDL), and Lyrasis attended the Global Summit on Diamond Open Access in Toluca, Mexico in October 2023. The Summit convened the international community to engage in dialog about how to advance Diamond Open Access (OA) to secure scholarly research as a public good and ensure equitable access to both the publishing and reading of that research. You can learn more from the recently released Report of the 2nd Diamond Open Access Conference. The Summit made evident the substantial global commitment to Diamond OA. If the United States […]

  • Upcoming webinar: “The Right To Deposit – Uniform Guidance to Ensure Author Compliance and Public Access”

    “The Right To Deposit – Uniform Guidance to Ensure Author Compliance and Public Access” is a free webinar that will be held on April 16th from 11:00-1:30 pm PDT (2:00-3:30 EDT). It will explore the deposit rights environment authors will face under new, zero-embargo public access policies from federal funders, and the role institutions can play in supporting these rights. Authors and librarians at US higher education institutions are encouraged to attend to learn more about the details of these new policies and what their rights are; representatives and staff from funding agencies are also invited to learn more about the […]

  • California Universities Partner with Wiley on Landmark Open Access Agreement

    This post is a press release issued by Wiley, the University of California, and the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium. Hoboken, NJ – January 11, 2024 – The 10-campus University of California system and 48 private and public academic and research institutions represented by the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) have reached a new open access agreement with Wiley, one of the world’s largest publishers. The three-year deal begins this month, and will make more research eligible for open access publication than any partnership of its kind in California.  “Some of the most groundbreaking research in the world is […]

  • Remarks by Günter Waibel on federal public access policies and institutional investment

    The following remarks were made by Günter Waibel, Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director of CDL, at the public workshop “Enhancing Public Access to the Results of Research Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services,” held at the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine in Washington DC, November 30 – December 1, 2023. My name is Günter Waibel, and I am the Executive Director of the California Digital Library at the UC Office of the President. I’ll focus my remarks on the implementation of the 2022 White House OSTP guidance by agencies, publishers and institutions. For publishing, […]

  • Open Book Collective: Collective Path Toward an Open and Sustainable Monograph Future

    The Open Access (OA) publishing movement is at our doorstep. However, as an academic community, we are not yet ready to fully embrace and support the OA monograph transformation.   Books continue to lag behind journals in terms of OA publishing, infrastructure, and distribution.   The Open Book Collective (OBC) provides some key solutions for the existing challenges while charting a new collective path toward an open and sustainable monograph future.  The proliferation of OA policy mandates and library-funded OA pilots led by academic publishers or scholar-led presses combined with recent developments in infrastructural support for OA book publishing are important milestones […]

  • UC to End Funding Support for Open Access Publishing with IEEE in 2024; Reading Access Will Continue

    The University of California will end open access publishing support through its agreement with IEEE effective January 1, 2024. The UC libraries’ funding support for page charges will also end at that time. Reading access to IEEE publications will continue without interruption — essentially reverting to the type of agreement UC had with IEEE prior to the open access publishing pilot. Since the pilot agreement began in July 2022, only 20 percent of UC authors publishing with IEEE have chosen to publish open access — far fewer than with UC’s other open access agreements — and of those who chose […]

  • Make your collected works openly available in eScholarship!

    The UC OA policies have been helping authors make their work available online for over ten years, but what about publications that predate these policies? Authors with publication lists spanning many decades need additional tools to ensure that their collected works are publicly archived. They may have questions like “Where can I share these?” or “Is it a copyright problem to share them?” or even “I don’t have a copy, how do I find this?”  There is now a toolkit on the OSC site to help authors work through these questions and more, with the goal of ultimately providing access […]

  • UC advocates for author rights in open access publishing agreements

    This article was originally published on UCnet on August 17, 2023. UC has recently learned that academic publishers are attempting to subvert the rights of authors to control how their own work is used and shared. Through licensing agreements that authors are required to sign, some publishers even attempt to place restrictions on earlier drafts and supporting data — flying directly in the face of UC’s principles and values. “We are disappointed to learn that publishers are deliberately undermining the stated will of UC faculty,” wrote UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D., and UC System Provost and Executive Vice President […]

  • New pilot open access agreement between the University of California and Frontiers

    The University of California (UC) and Frontiers today announced a one-year open access pilot agreement that will make it easier and more affordable for UC researchers to publish in one of twenty selected Frontiers journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sustainability. The new agreement with Frontiers, one of the world’s leading native open access publishers, advances the university’s efforts to empower more of its authors to share their research freely with the world. “I applaud UC’s new pilot agreement with Frontiers and, in particular, its acknowledgement of the need for increased funding and support for UC authors who publish […]


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