UC’s open access policies cover scholarly articles written by all UC authors while employed by the university. The policy covering all Academic Senate faculty was adopted in 2013, and the Presidential policy, extending coverage to all other UC staff, was passed in 2015.
Senate Policies
The UCSF and systemwide Academic Senate policies cover Senate-represented faculty. Academic Senate membership is determined by Section 110 of the UC Academic Personnel Manual and Regents’ Standing Order 105.1. Standing Order 105.1 states that:
The Academic Senate shall consist of the President, Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Deans, Provosts, Directors of academic programs, the chief admissions officer on each campus and in the Office of the President, registrars, the University Librarian on each campus of the University, and each person giving instruction in any curriculum under the control of the Academic Senate whose academic title is Instructor, Instructor in Residence; Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor in Residence, Assistant Professor of Clinical (e.g., Medicine); Associate Professor, Associate Professor in Residence, Associate Professor of Clinical (e.g., Medicine), Acting Associate Professor; Professor, Professor in Residence, Professor of Clinical (e.g., Medicine), or Acting Professor; Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment, Lecturer with Security of Employment, Acting Lecturer with Security of Employment, Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment, or Acting Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment.
Presidential Open Access Policy
The Presidential policy covers non-senate employees who author articles while employed by UC. The policy defines employees as
All faculty, academic appointees (includes academic administrative officers, Cooperative Extension and University Extension appointees, librarians, residents, interns, and postdoctoral scholars), students who are employed by UC, staff, and administrators who are paid a salary, stipend, or hourly rate, excluding those holding “Without Salary” appointments, volunteers, and recalls.
Authors who 1) meet this definition of employee and 2) are not Senate-represented faculty are covered by the Presidential policy.
If you have questions about the policies, please contact OSC.