Citing the “obvious potential for this policy to be beneficial to the broader scholarly community” the UC Academic Senate conveys their review of the UC Open Access Proposal. The review also included significant concerns with policy implementation and explored a concern about the risk of additional burdens on the faculty. In asking the Provost to address the concerns raised, the Council says it “looks forward to a second review of the draft Open Access Policy” and “hopes it can decide to endorse the policy at that time.”

2006 UC Open Access Policy Proposal

In December, 2005, the UC Academic Council’s Special Committee on Scholarly Communication (SCSC) wrote five white papers that addressed the challenges facing scholarly communication. One of them, titled “The Case of Scholars’ Mangement of Their Copyright,” led to a draft policy statement endorsed by the Academic Senate. That activity prompted the Academic Assembly to request in May 2006 of then-President Dynes that a formal UC policy proposal be developed. Provost Hume appointed an ad hoc group that delivered a draft policy for UC in January 2007 in which faculty would grant to the University a license to deposit copies of their scholarly works in an open access repository. Following a broad-based review (summaries available in the links below), the policy did not move forward and no further action was taken. [Updated April 2010].


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