This year, international Open Access Week is October 21-27. The theme, “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge,” was chosen to deepen conversations about being inclusive by design and to turn those conversations into action, according to Nick Shockey, Director of Programs & Engagement at SPARC. “We find ourselves at a critical moment. The decisions we make now—individually and collectively—will fundamentally shape the future for many years to come. As open becomes the default, all stakeholders must be intentional about designing these new, open systems to ensure that they are inclusive, equitable, and truly serve the needs of a diverse global community.”
The University of California Libraries have a wide variety of workshops, exhibits, and fun activities planned to celebrate – check them out!
UC Berkeley
For OA Week the UC Berkeley library is hosting a series of workshops on publishing & copyright, focused for graduate students, including Copyright & Your Dissertation, From Dissertation to Book: Navigating the Publication Process, and another on Managing and Maximizing Scholarly Impact. Read more about the workshops on the library’s blog post, “Publish your scholarship like a pro!”
The Berkeley library blog also recently featured a post about open access books, “A Different Flavor of Open Access at UC Berkeley: Opening Books For the World.” The post describes the actions the library has taken in their commitment to supporting the creation of open access monographs.
UC Irvine
The UC Irvine libraries are celebrating Open Access Week 2019 with a series of workshops.
- Open for Whom? Open Access and the Digital Archive
Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 12:00 – 1:30 pm
Who are digital archives for? Join us for a panel presentation and discussion on ethical and other considerations when developing open and accessible digital archives. Moderated by Madelynn Dickerson, Research Librarian for Digital Humanities and History. - Open Access Week: DRYAD Demonstration
Wednesday, October 23, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
UCI Libraries will present the new DRYAD repository for data management. Danielle Kane, Interim Data Curation Librarian, will explain how DRYAD makes data discoverable, freely reusable, and citable for all research areas, from arts and humanities to science and medicine. - Open Access Publishing and Scholarly Impact: Open for Whom? Expanding Your Audience
Thursday, October 24, 2019, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
UCI Libraries will present on Open Access publishing, copyright, managing and maximizing your scholarly impact. During this panel presentation, UCI Libraries will share how to position research to highlight author impacts, how researchers can maintain copyright of their work, how to follow good publishing practices and risks of predatory publishing.
UCLA Library is celebrating Open Access Week 2019 with Tips, Tools, Treats, and GAMES! The opening event for OA Week ’19 will directly address questions of equity and inclusion in “Does Open = Access?” while the year’s theme is embedded in all programs throughout the week. The closing event for OA Week is Open Access: Gamified, which will introduce two original board games and two activities focusing on scholarly communication and open access. One of these, The Game of OA, will be made available for remix/reuse following the event. Download a flyer, or learn more at the library website.
- Does Open = Access?
Tuesday, October 22, 12:00 to 1:00 pm
Panelists will discuss UCLA’s collaborative digitization projects through the International Digital Ephemera Project and the Modern Endangered Archives Program. Presenters will also discuss the UCLA partnerships with Cuban cultural heritage institutions as well as a unique collection of Cuban radio programming – Universidad del Aire. - Looking Beyond the Journal Article
Tuesday, October 22, 2:00 to 3:00 pm
Learn how to get the most from your research by publishing your work in preprint servers and other open-research platforms. Our panel of researchers will introduce useful tools that enable early career researchers to get credit for their works in progress through the use of preprint servers, Github, and data repositories. - IIIF for Open Access
Wednesday, October 23, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
This session will discuss the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) through the lens of open access. - Democratize Peer Review
Thursday, October 24, 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Learn to get credit for your journal club efforts and have additional publications relevant to your work. This workshop will explore the traditional peer review process in scientific journals and emerging open models of peer review. We will discuss platforms like PREreview which are used to publish manuscript reviews of preprints. - Open Access: Gamified
Friday, October 25, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Be among the first people in the world to play The Game of OA (Open Access) UCLA Library Edition! Try your hand at Scholarly Snakes and Ladders. Visit our activity station for your custom Publication Punch built from our wide array of jelly beans! If you’re feeling really brave, go for a spin with Peer Review Roulette. Whatever the outcome, we guarantee the results will be sweet!
UC Merced
The UC Merced Library and its partners have three events planned to raise awareness of the options, opportunities and challenges of the transition to an open access world.
- Punctum Books, experimental publishing, and unconventional scholarship
Monday, October 21, 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Eileen Joy, director of Punctum Books, will discuss the open-access publisher’s dedication to “radically creative modes of intellectual inquiry.” - The Joy of Search: Research with Open Content
Tuesday, October 22, 12:00 – 12:50 pm
Dan Russell, Google senior research scientist, will discuss his new book, “The Joy of Search.” - A Guide to Success in Scientific Publishing
Thursday, November 14, 10:30 am – 3:00 pm
Professor Michael Dawson, editor-in-chief of “The Journal of Biogeography,” will conduct a workshop for graduate students and early career faculty entitled, “A Guide to Success in Scientific Publishing.”
UC Riverside
The University of California, Riverside Library will host an event series that will kick off on Monday, October 21, with workshops held each afternoon, Monday through Thursday.
The program includes:
- Finding and Using Open Data
Monday, October 21, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Instructor Kat Koziar will discuss differences between open, shared, and closed data; identify places to find open data; and, steps to take when creating a dataset using open data. - Open Science Framework: A Free Tool for Research Collaboration
Tuesday, October 22, 2:00 – 3:00 pm
The Open Science Framework (OSF) is a freely available tool to keep data and documentation from your project organized and accessible. OSF can be used for any kind of project, not just in the sciences. In this workshop taught by Brianna Marshall, you’ll learn how this tool can help you enhance the efficiency and visibility of your work. - Introduction to QGIS
Wednesday, October 23, 2019, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
QGIS is a free and open source geographic information system. It allows users to create, edit, visualize, analyze and publish geospatial information on Windows, Mac, Linux, and BSD. Instructor Janet Reyes will introduce some of the basic mapping functions available in QGIS. - Open Access without APC’s: The Present and the Future
Thursday, October 24, 2:00 – 3:00 pm
If you are interested in all of the benefits of open access publishing, but are concerned about high Article Processing Charges, instructor Michele Potter will give tips and insider information on such options as writing APCs into grants, how and when to apply for waivers and using the UC repository, eScholarship, to open up your research. We will also take a peek at the future and the work that is being done to eliminate and/or streamline charges for Open Access throughout the scholarly community. - Publishing Options: Some Important Issues to Know
Thursday, October 24, 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Publishing in a good journal is an indicator of the scholarly achievement of a researcher and one of the most challenging targets in the scholarly world. Many stakeholders such as funding agencies and University of California, however, have already brought a mandate of opening the scholarship for all. The mandate is often referred to as open access policy. There are several myths surrounding this policy. In this session, instructor Swati Bhattacharyya will discuss how such a policy can be respected without compromising the quality of scholarship, what are various publishing options and how you can reach your readers widely and quickly.
UC Santa Barbara
Please join the Library in recognizing International Open Access Week, a global event now entering its tenth year. Open Access Week is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of openness, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make open access research and scholarship sustainable.
- Journal Editors Wine and Cheese Social
Wednesday October 23, 4:00 – 6:00 pm
The Journal Editors Wine and Cheese Social is intended to launch the new Journal Editors Initiative. As part of the Library’s suite of scholarly publishing and communication services, the Initiative is focused on understanding the unique perspectives of UCSB editors, giving editors a space to communicate and share experiences, and to generally support editors in navigating the complex and constantly changing scholarly publishing environment. - Wikidata: An Introduction to Linked Open Data
Monday, October 21, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Presenters: Des Alaniz & Trang Le
Unlike traditional repositories where the formulation of data is centralized under select institutions, Wikidata is the collective outcome of a decentralized, grassroots approach to data creation. This Wikidata workshop is designed to reflect this trend. Participants in this workshop will understand the nature of linked data and how Wikidata can improve discoverability and accessibility to resources, create and edit items in Wikidata, and identify ways to use them effectively with new projects. Given Wikidata’s burgeoning popularity and widespread adoption, knowing how to use this powerful platform can be beneficial for future projects relating to data creation and dissemination. All are welcome.
- Open Textbooks: The Price of Academic Success
Monday-Friday, October 21-25
Designed and presented by UCSB CALPIRG students, “Open Textbooks: The Price of Academic Success” features information resources for students and faculty about rising textbook costs, and encourages the adoption of open textbooks for classroom learning. Through student testimonials, viewers will see how textbook affordability is an issue that impacts every university student. - ScholarLed: A Consortium of Not-for-Profit OA Book Publishers
Monday-Friday, October 21-25
ScholarLed is a consortium of five scholar-led, not-for-profit, open access book publishers that was formed in 2018. Individually, they comprise Mattering Press, meson press, Open Book Publishers, Open Humanities Press, and punctum books. Collectively, the aim of ScholarLed is to foster a realignment of OA book publishing away from an array of competing commercial service providers to a more horizontal and cooperative knowledge sharing approach. Print editions of the presses books will be on display.
UC San Diego
During Open Access Week, the UC San Diego Library will be kicking off our scholarly communication awareness campaign to engage the campus in issues related to knowledge production and information access. Content will be displayed on the library’s digital signage as well as physical swag and fact sheets at information desks in the library.
Follow the UC San Diego library on Twitter for more info or just to engage! Read more about open Access Week events at the library.
Screening webinars throughout the week:
- ACRL DSS Open Research Discussion Group: Open Data Activism in Search of Algorithmic Transparency: Algorithmic Awareness in Practice”
- ACRL webinar: “Open for Students and Educators: Open Educational Resources Level the Playing Field“
- “How the University of California Libraries Drive the Open Access Movement.” UCSF’s Anneliese Taylor, Head of Scholarly Communication, joins the F1000 team to share key tactics that she and her team have deployed to promote Open Access publishing in the UC system.
Digital signage:
Join the UCSF Library in celebrating 2019 International Open Access Week! Open Access (OA) is the free, immediate, worldwide access to research publications and other outputs, and the right to share and re-use these outputs.
OA Week is in its 12th year, and this year’s theme is Open for whom? Equity in open knowledge. The library invites you to both celebrate OA and to explore how open scholarship can ensure equitable participation in research communication.
This year’s events:
- Get a free Open Science UCSF T-shirt!
- Contribute your ideas about how open access and open science can address inclusivity and equity in research via Twitter by copying @ucsf_library between October 21–25 or drop by our Information Table on October 22 to participate.
- We’ll select ten UCSF Twitter participants and additional in-person contributors from UCSF.
- Take part in two workshops at the ZSFG Library
- From protocol to preprint: How to conduct open research on October 22 from 4-5 pm
- Demystifying preprint publishing on October 23 from 10-11 am
- Participate in an open code workshop on October 24 from 3:30–5pm at Mission Bay
- Check out all of the events in the Biomedical Reproducibility series
- Book office hours with an open access and publishing expert
- Check out @ucsf_library for OA-themed tweets
Tags: Berkeley, Open Access, UC Irvine, UC Libraries, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, UCSF