Post Tagged with: "OSTP"
Follow up from The Right to Deposit webinar: statement and early signatories
Approximately 350 attendees joined the webinar The Right to Deposit – Uniform Guidance to Ensure Author Compliance and Public Access on April 16, 2024. The event explored the conflicting messages authors face in the course of publishing their work and attempting to comply with the institutional, funder and publisher policies. Approaches discussed that could create more clarity in particular for federally funded authors include institutional open access policies as well as reliance on the federal purpose license. Like institutional open access policies, the federal purpose license establishes a pre-existing right to deposit an article. At the conclusion of the event, […]
Upcoming webinar: “The Right To Deposit – Uniform Guidance to Ensure Author Compliance and Public Access”
“The Right To Deposit – Uniform Guidance to Ensure Author Compliance and Public Access” is a free webinar that will be held on April 16th from 11:00-1:30 pm PDT (2:00-3:30 EDT). It will explore the deposit rights environment authors will face under new, zero-embargo public access policies from federal funders, and the role institutions can play in supporting these rights. Authors and librarians at US higher education institutions are encouraged to attend to learn more about the details of these new policies and what their rights are; representatives and staff from funding agencies are also invited to learn more about the […]
University of California comments in response to 2020 OSTP RFI on public access to federally funded research
In February, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued an RFI requesting comment on how public access to federally funded research could be broadened, and in parallel, conducted a series of stakeholder meetings. As a participant in two of the meetings, I sensed broad alignment among all stakeholders — commercial publishers, society publishers, university administrators, librarians, faculty members and funders — in affirming their support of open access. And for all of those groups, with the exception of the vast majority of publishers in the conversation, embracing that fundamental goal also translated into widely held support […]
Council of University Librarians responds to OSTP RFI
On January 9, the Council of University Librarians submitted comments in response to two Requests for Information from the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy. The RFI’s, released in November, 2011, asked for public input on long term preservation of and public access to the results of federally funded research, including digital data and peer-reviewed scholarly publications. See the CoUL responses here.