Post Tagged with: "Open Access"

  • UC Open Access Policy Explained

    On July 24, 2013 the Academic Council of the University of California adopted an Open Access policy for all ten campuses. Chris Kelty, Associate Professor of Information Studies at UCLA and chair of the University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC) explains the details of the policy in this series of videos. What is the open access policy and who will it affect? Why did the University of California adopt this policy now; what do the faculty hope to achieve? What are the costs of this policy? Who wins and who loses? How is this policy in line with […]

  • UC Support for California Open Access Bill

    The Taxpayer Access to Publicly Funded Research Act (AB 609) was introduced in the California Assembly on February 20, 2013 by Assembly Member Brian Nestande. This bill would require researchers who receive state agency-funded research grants to make copies of peer-reviewed manuscripts resulting from those grants freely available to the public. On April 26, the University of California Office of State Governmental Relations released a letter supporting the bill. The full text and current status of the bill can be viewed at the California Legislative Information website.

  • UC Open Access Fund Pilots

    The UC Libraries announce campus-based open access fund pilots to support UC faculty who wish to make their research findings immediately and freely available to the public. Learn more.

  • UCSF Implements Open Access Policy

    In May, 2012, the UCSF Academic Senate voted to adopt an open access policy that will help make electronic versions of current and future scientific articles freely available to the public. UCSF is the largest scientific institution in the nation to adopt an open-access policy and among the first public universities to do so.

  • Council of University Librarians responds to OSTP RFI

    On January 9, the Council of University Librarians submitted comments in response to two Requests for Information from the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy. The RFI’s, released in November, 2011, asked for public input on long term preservation of and public access to the results of federally funded research, including digital data and peer-reviewed scholarly publications. See the CoUL responses here.

  • UC Joins Letter Supporting Public Access to Federally Funded Research Results

    UC Provost and Executive Vice President Lawrence H. Pitts, along with 26 other university presidents, provosts, and research vice presidents, signed an An Open Letter to the Higher Education Community affirming UC’s support for increased public access to federally-funded research results. The letter, which endorsess the Federal Research Public Access Act (S.1373 and H.R.5037) was issued on April 23, 2010.

  • First Annual Open Access Week, October 19-23 2009

    October 19-23 marks the first annual Open Access Week (, which is designed to raise awareness of this growing international movement that uses the Internet to throw open the locked doors that once hid knowledge. Open access encourages the unrestricted sharing of research results with everyone, everywhere, for the advancement of science and society.

  • NIH Public Access Policy: Information for UC Authors

    [Editor’s note: We have kept this post as an archive of what UC’s response and guidance to the NIH public access policy was when it was new, but most of the pages it links to no longer exist. Consult campus library websites for current guidance.] As of April 7, 2008, anyone who publishes an article based upon research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is required to submit an electronic version of their final, peer-reviewed manuscript to PubMed Central. This groundbreaking policy gives the public full access to taxpayer-funded research within 12 months of its publication. For more […]

  • Harvard Arts and Sciences Faculty Adopt Open Access Policy

    The Harvard Arts and Sciences Faculty voted unanimously to adopt a policy that makes them the first university in the US to mandate open access to its faculty members’ research publications. Read more about it in Open Access News.

  • UC Berkeley Announces Berkeley Research Impact Inititative

    UC Berkeley announces a fund to subsidize open access and paid access fees. The Berkeley Research Impact Initiative (BRII) supports faculty members, post-docs, and graduate students who want to make their journal articles free to all readers immediately upon publication.


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