Archive for July, 2019

  • Exciting Changes Ahead: Publishing Your Articles in Cambridge University Press Journals

    In April 2019, University of California (UC) and Cambridge University Press announced that they had entered into a transformative open access agreement that will give UC authors who publish with Cambridge the opportunity to make their research freely available and advance the global shift toward an open access future for research. The agreement will also maintain UC’s access to Cambridge’s more than 400 journals.  If you are a UC author, you will soon begin to see some changes from Cambridge after they have accepted your article for publication. Here is an explanation of those changes, and an overview of the […]

  • A presentation slide outlining paywalled access versus open access, from the update providing to the UC Board of Regents' Student and Academic Affairs Committee

    Update on open access and academic journal contracts: a presentation to the UC Board of Regents’ Academic and Student Affairs Committee

    On July 17, 2019, Acting Provost and Vice Provost Susan Carlson, University Librarian and Chief Digital Scholarship Officer Jeffrey MacKie-Mason, and Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director Günter Waibel briefed the UC Board of Regents’ Academic and Student Affairs Committee on open access and academic journal contracts. The video archive of the presentation is available on YouTube and below. A copy of the presentation script is also available for download.
