The University of California’s Office of Scholarly Communication focuses on monitoring and synthesizing significant developments in scholarly communication with particular emphasis on implications for the UC academic community.  As such, the OSC:

  • Serves as a resource for the analysis of current and emergent topics in this area, including: the transformation of publishing and distribution models, the development of new value metrics, data publication and open data, the economics of open access, etc.;
  • Coordinates and provides centralized access to existing educational resources (and supplements with new guides or statements) on rights management and open access, including UC’s Open Access Policy;
  • Drafts statements on behalf of UC libraries regarding local or national policies and legislation, and establishes guidelines and procedures for the creation of such statements.

In addition, the OSC develops and maintains this website as a clearinghouse of information for UC faculty, students and staff.

Current OSC membership

  • Günter Waibel (Executive Director, CDL), OSC Executive Co-director
  • Chris Shaffer (University Librarian, UCSF), OSC Executive Co-director
  • Catherine Mitchell (Director, Access & Publishing, CDL), OSC Operations Director
  • Agnes Balla (Director, Research Policy Analysis and Coordination, UCOP)
  • Miranda Bennett (Director, Shared Collections, CDL)
  • Martin J. Brennan (Scholarly Communication Education Librarian, UCLA)
  • Mitchell Brown (Scholarly Communications Coordinator, UC Irvine)
  • Mark Lawrence Clemente (Open Access Publisher Agreements Manager, CDL)
  • Maria DePrano (Art History and Visual Studies professor, UC Merced)
  • Katie Fortney (Copyright Policy & Education Officer, CDL)
  • Satomi Furuichi (Institutional Research & Planning Analyst, Institutional Research and Academic Planning, UCOP)
  • Mark Hanna (History professor, UC San Diego)
  • Michael Ladisch (Scholarly Communications Officer, UC Davis)
  • Gregory Leazer (Assoc. Prof., UCLA Dept. of Information Studies)
  • Michele Potter (STEM Collection Strategist, UC Riverside)
  • Maria Praetzellis (Product Manager, Research Data Management, CDL)
  • Rachael Samberg/Tim Vollmer (Scholarly Communication Services, UC Berkeley)
  • Rich Schneider (Orthopaedic Surgery professor, UCSF)
  • Jerrold Shiroma (University Archivist and Librarian for Special Collections, UCM)
  • Martha Stuit (Scholarly Communication Librarian, UC Santa Cruz)
  • Allegra Swift (Scholarly Communications Librarian, UC San Diego)
  • Derjung “Mimi” Tarn (Family Medicine professor, UCLA)
  • Anneliese Taylor (Head of Scholarly Communication, UCSF)
  • Lidia Uziel (Associate University Librarian for Research Resources and Scholarly Communication, UCSB)
  • Erich van Rijn (Director of Journals & Open Access, UC Press)

Please contact OSC with any questions/comments:
