Archive for August, 2021

  • COVID Tracking Project archives donated to UC

    In March 2020 the COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic took on the responsibility of posting COVID-19 cases, testing, hospitalization, and death counts in the United States. The effort, led by The Atlantic and a team of 500 volunteers, proved to be invaluable when this key information was not otherwise reliably available as the worldwide pandemic unfolded. The entirety of the COVID Tracking Project archives have been donated to UCSF, in collaboration with California Digital Library. Further, the raw data have been published in Dryad, a data repository that University of California is closely tied to. To read more about […]

  • PNAS and the University of California announce open access publishing agreement

    The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the University of California (UC) today announced a two-year transformative agreement that makes it easier and more affordable for corresponding authors at UC campuses and the Lawrence Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories to publish open access articles in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). This is the first transformative agreement between PNAS and a U.S. research institution, and UC’s tenth open access publishing agreement. “We are very pleased that researchers at UC campuses can now publish papers in PNAS as a Plan S–compliant open access journal through our new […]
